Saturday, January 2, 2010

Special Person

These are my aunt Betty and uncle Bob by marriage. Aunt Betty accepted me and loved me as I am since the first day that we met in 2002. She was not critical or judgemental. She was very accepting and loving. She was funny, witty, straight forward, persistance, and very spunky. She was nothing but ordinary. She said what she meant and meant what she said. She didn't care what others thought because she had her own ideas and style of how she lived her life. She made my uncle Bob very happy. My uncle told me that he accepted her passing because he knows that she is no longer suffering and in pain...he knew that it's her time to go because she was very weak and was not able to recognize him the last week of her life. It's still tough and unimaginable of what he's going through. I wish we could have been there for him and comfort him in person.
They took great care of each other for the past fortyteen years. They only had each other and they had a great and wonderful life together. Since the past year, her body was failing but her mind was still sharp. Uncle Bob was a her primary care person and never once he complained how hard the job was...all he said was he loved to take care of her. She remembered me still when we talked a few times on the phone. I told her that I love her and that I appreciated her for loving me. I also made sure that she knows how much she means to me in my letters. I love her as if she was my own aunt. We had a bond and special love that lasts a life time. I talked to Uncle Bob on Friday to check in on him. He didn't want to make me cry so he couldn't talk to me too long about her passing but he did say that he is very sad and in mourning...she is in Heaven now watching out for him and waiting for him to come home with her when it's his time. He told me that he was going to send me something of her because she wanted me to have it. I told him that he would make me the happiest person on earth because it would mean so much to me to have a part of her that she wanted to share with me. I cried and was speechless. I am anxious to see what he will send me in the mail.
I love you aunt Betty. Thank you for loving me, accepting me for who I am, never judge or criticize me. I know that she is healthy, happy, and whole because she is home in Heaven. I will see her again when my time comes. I am heart-broken and very sad because I am selfish wanting her to stick around for me and uncle Bob. Like uncle Bob, I accepted her passing because it's her time to be one of God's Angels. I forever love you aunt Betty. Until next blog. My best always, Serene

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