Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why So Cold????

Man, this winter is the coldest ever since we've moved here back in Dec '07. For the past week, the wx temps have been from 32 to 45. Too cold even go outside let alone doing my routine exercise with my son. My hands are constantly freezing and I am wearing socks to keep warm. They say that it's supposedly snowing tomorrow. That'd be the first time K sees snow. I am sure that it'll be flurry not pouring. Nevertheless, it'd be nice to see a little flurry white on top of the not-so-green- grass. I am feeling out of shape, lazy, and unmotivated. K is getting tired of his same routines inside the house so we've been entertaining one another. More or less, I've been the one who do the most keeping him entertain. Spring is not coming fast enough. I need to shed the Holidays' pounds and back in my shorts. Until next blog. My best always, Serene


  1. Wow! I can't believe it's colder in Florida than it is here in Eugene, OR. It's been surprisingly mild, yet unsurprisingly wet this month. I was wondering what has helped you stay motivated to keep your health and fitness a priority in the past? I struggle with that, particularly when my school stress starts to peak (which is like all the time).

  2. oh, thank you for joining me...finally LoL. i know you're a busy bee. being thick runs in our family. ur lucky bcause you have nice and tall legs like ur biological dad. ur also very smart just like him. I think he was getting his PHD prior to escaping to US. I stay active by doing brisk walk with K every am when weather permits bcause I don't want to make him sick by dragging him out in the cold; watch my sugar intakes; only drinks soda in weekends; I don't snack on candies and cookies or chips like most Americans do. When you visited us, that was the most I ate since Thanksgiving. I like to run so I run in the summer time 3 miles a day 5 days a week once joe's home after work. I don't drink alcohol unless it's an occassion or celebration. I got my drinking out of the way 15 yrs ago. Alcohol will slowwww down little metabolism that we do have. I am in my skinniest from march to nov. the rest of the time is too cold to be outside even for FL. Man, this year is horrible. it's been sooo cold since the week of X-Mas until now. Not like I have anyone to watch K so I can go get my exercise on. I have always been self-motivator bcause if I didn't no one would since i'm always a loner (had few friends -- most is skinny) and on my own every base we've been to. Being in the military for 13 yrs+ helped a lot more. I was more accountable and lead by example so I was conscious of staying fit. Trust me, I eat when there's good food but I also exercise hard too. Your schooling takes a lot out of you mentally and emotionally. at the end of the long day, you just want to relax and unwind. Don't sweat the outer shell. You are beautiful and intelligent as outside and in. Once school is slowing down and give you some can squeeze in 45 mns walk every other day or so. Just watch your sugar and alcohol intakes in the mean'll be fine. Don't let everyone pull you at different directions. Shcool, you, work to pay the bills, relationship, and extra curriculum like volunteer work or whatever should be the priorities. I hope it helps. at the end of the day, if you're not happy with yourself or decision(s) you made, you're the only one who is accountable for them so choose wisely. Be happy, healthy, and productive is all you can do for now. size is like age...they're just a number. Love you always and wish we live closer!!!! thanks again for being a follower of my blog. Love your picture!!!!!!!!
