Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Age of the Innocence

"Green Eggs and Ham" --- my son's new favorite DVD. He watched it about 5 times a day for the past week or longer. It's a good thing that it's only about 20 mns long. It never cease to amaze me how a child's mind works. Things that are so simple and insignigicant in our adult life seem so important and interesting to them. Being a child, they live for the moment; take it all in and enjoy them as if it's something new for the first time; have no future plans or aware of consequences of their action make them living life as if it's their last and enjoy life as if they're millionaires. All is so innocent and harmless. I wouldn't do anything to alter his now purity and carefree. Kids are supposedly live their youthful years without fears, worry, hardship, and security. Kids are not supposedly jaded by nasty and mean people in their lives who are selfish and self-absorbed. People who are set out to hurt children, parents who abuse and mistreat their own kids, and people who look away and not being protective guardians are ones who alter the innocence and purity in our children. The same people who are jaded our childrent's character and positions in life. It's saddened me to hear about children are being killed, molested, harmed, and abused daily on the news. I cried for the children and pray that when they are growing up, they won't blame themselves for what happened to them and have a healthy and productive life.
We only had 2 good days of nice and warm weather since the week of Christmas 2009. It's now cloudy, windy, chilly, and just plain ol' sad. I am so ready for the cold winter to be over. I am so ready for Spring and Summer. I am ready for it to be hot so I can go jogging and wear shorts and T-shirts again. Then again, we have much better weather than most other states. Until next blog. My best always, Serene

1 comment:

  1. I love love love that you are blogging! You know that crazy to me means more than the webster are so much its hard to describe....I love you dearly for the person you are. You are one of my dearest friends. Can we visit the end of april? Maybe this time gary can come! Love you sweet loving selfless steadfast strong indepent smart funny friend!
