Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Hazy and Rainy Day in PCB

What is up with the wx (weather)? When the sky is gray and it is hazy, rainy, and chilly, my motivation is weakened; my spirit is dampened; and at the end of the day, I feel like a fat slob being inside the house all day. Yes, I could of get in the car and drive to the store(s) or the Mall and bored-shop but it's not my thrill. I have enough things, clothes, and more things...after having a child, I don't shop just to be shopping, just because I'm bored, or it's on sale...I am more conscious of how I spend money since diapers, formulas, wipes, and other baby necessities were so expensive. No one ever told me that those things are expensive and being a first time mom, I was naive and ignored the obvious when I was out and about shopping for baby stuff while I was pregnant. I could of save much money buying diapers and wipes on sale while waiting for K's arrival instead of waiting until the after arrival. I could write a book telling young, and first time moms of the things to buy, not buy, and so on. I could also let them know how their bodies changed, state of mind, and struggles within for the first three years or so of your baby's life. I know we're all different but we're all very much the same because we're moms first and everything else is secondary. Shifting in priority is the biggest change that many have problem adjusting. When moms who are continuing to be selfish, self-absorbed, and resentful, the children will suffer from the lacks of attention, care, love, and nutritional needs to grow into their beautiful and healthy selves. Just know that our children didn't ask to come into this biased and violent world, we asked for them...even the ones who arrived unexpectedly, they are results of our own actions or non-actions. We, the adult are accountable for our own action or non-action. We can't take it out on them because of their youth and inability to fight back. Trust me, there are days that I am so frustrated but I very quick realize that it's myself to blame not K...he's just being a kid and I am much much older; therefore, I should know or act better. It is easy to take it out on our children and blame them for our disposition but it takes special moms to see our purpose and our children's purpose in life. We all have purpose in this world. Nothing here is permanent; that's why they said "nothing good lasts forever". Until next blog. My best always, Serene

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