Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow in the Forecast for PCB???

It's supposedly snow today in PCB but it rained and rained since last night. The temps is high 40s but feels like mid 30s. My son is playing Lego Clone Wars game...he's learning. It's funny to see him playing and struggling to get to certain stages of the game. Kids are smarter than we think when comes to games, computers, TV, and so on. They learn so quickly.

It's Friday and I am not doing anything special. Just another day for me hanging out with my baby boy and taking good care of him. I don't look forward to the weekends, holidays, or even holidays weekends because being a mom is 24/7. I only take breaks when I run errands or doing things outside the house by myself. I love to take an hour to either walk or jog in the weekends when I can. Exercising makes me feel good and it recharges me. Being a mom is so demanding and taxing because I'm a hands on mom. I don't ignore my son or let him do his own things while I'm on the phone, the internet or whatever. He's in my sight or that I'm right next to him at all times...that's why I am so exhausted at the end of the day. I wouldn't have it any other way because he's growing up so fast. Next thing we know he's ready for K-School, Jr and High Schools, and ultimately College and life...I don't want to think about it too much because I want to enjoy K's as a kid, his innocence, purity, and youth. Until next blog. My best always, Serene